Microbee-MSPP Photo Gallery

Photos of Microbee and other vintage Australian microcomputers

Closeup of monochrome CGA mod251 viewsAn extra IC is installed to provide the CGA output. This is a 74LS08 quad 2 input AND gate, configured to buffer 5 video signals (R,G,B, Vsync, Hsync). These signals are wired to a 9 pin D connector with pinouts as per the Premium CGA connector
Coreboard view238 viewsA standard dynamic RAM coreboard with 64K RAM installed
Motherboard view262 viewsA standard motherboard with a custom mod added by the previous owner to provide a monochrome CGA output. You can just see the 9 pin CGA connector emerging from a spare case hole at the top right
Microbee 64K CIAB271 viewsSpruced up and looking good!
Booting from the new Gotek floppy emulator317 views
A closeup of the Gotek391 views
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